"Around The Clinic" Photos
Below are some photo's of our staff in or around the clinic, or at Clinic Functions. Click on each photo to make it bigger and see what we're up to!
We love when our puppy patients give us a helping paw (& kisses!) at the front desk
Rex, a Belgian Draft horse who we see routinely, weighs 2750 pounds
Two of our Vets., Dr. Schmeltz and Dr. Gelok, enjoying the Elkhart County 4h Fair. Many members of our staff are involved w/this great program for youth!
Sick & Surgical Cases |
This picture is the belly of a dog with black fly bites taken during the Spring time. While they look very scary, they are relatively harmless other than slight itching at the bites & disappear in a few weeks.
A goat delivery that was done in clinic. While most goats give birth within 6 hours, goats who are kidding (giving birth) for the first time may sometimes last up to 12 hours. This goat was way beyond that time frame and just needed a little help, but all were delivery well and healthy!
Have you ever seen a horse with Two (2) hooves? We performed a once in a lifetime surgery on a young gelding who was born with this deformity. While the scientific name for it is Polydactyl (poly meaning many & dactyl meaning foot), we just called it bad news! The extra hoof was surgically removed and the horse recovered afterwards with no issues.